Friday, July 10, 2009

The Names

So the deed was done yesterday but I was too busy to blog it, and some of that also was due to my big boss that came so I can't really play around. Haha, but I've managed to took a picture to it while it's still in a wrapped up state. So here's the unwrapped picture as well. So here's how the event like. Went the and then did the image scanning and after that I had to actually shave off the hairs on my leg. That's so wicked! Haha, then the commencement of doing it. Sorry, this time no pictures while doing it. But this one was fast and doesn't hurt as much as my first one also. Haha, hopefully this one recovers soon and when it does. I'll post up the perfect picture. And hopefully nothing goes wrong on this tattoo because I don't want to go for touch ups as it hurts twice as much as doing it. Haha, peace out.

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